tiistai 4. elokuuta 2015

Diane and Caroliens Weekly Challenge #17: Tangle with S-P-V

Oh and what great fun that was! Be sure to check out the challenge here.

We were to use patterns starting with the letters S-P-V.

S for snaylz trayl, I added this one last, as a filler and ended up liking it. I got myself new Derwent graphic pencils and shading is oh so sudden so much fun :D My second pattern was Scallops. The easiest pattern always cause me the most problems. I somehow just could not get it right.

P was for Purk, one of my favorites.


I am SO happy with this one. I tried to keep it very simple and focus on the shading. I think it worked out, what do you think? :)

2 kommenttia:

  1. Wow, the shading is done so very well!!!

  2. The shading IS lovely!! I don't know how you do Purk so well - I find it hard :) I also get lost in Verdigogh!! Beautiful job!! New materials are so fun!! Thank you for joining in!!

    ~ Diane Clancy
