tiistai 4. elokuuta 2015

I am the Diva Weekly Challenge #229 Guest Blogger Sandy Hunter, CZT

Yesterday Sandy Hunter, someone I admire very much, gave us a new challenge, "+-" .
I often find myself having the same problem, filling my tile or ZIA with as much stuff as possible. It seems that I really dislike free, blank space.I feel like I did not finish the tile or it looks too empty. So leaving a blank, white space is something I need to practice more often.

I decided to tangle around the letter "S". I am not totally happy with my tile. I don't have the peace and quiet to tangle right now, with my family from Germany visiting. But today I took a few moments to breathe and relax. The more I look at the tile the more I get to actually like it. Appreciating the tile I have just made. This time I really noticed what difference shading can do. :)

Let me know what you think :)

6 kommenttia:

  1. Clever to think of using a S for the negative space. beautifully drawn tangles with it especially if you had to do it quickly

  2. Great job with the tangles surrounding the space. Very nicely done. Sarah

  3. Great tile! I always love tangling around a word!

  4. This is very nice! "S" looks like a walking path through your garden!

  5. I think you did quite well with this S.

  6. Very lovely tile! I agree with Antonine ... your "S" seems to be a lovely path in your tangle-garden!
